Let's Talk About Rings!
Who Doesn't Love Rings?
I haven't been wearings as many rings, or as often, during the pandemic because of all of the hand washing. Which - I think is a great place to start. I want to share some ring sizing tips with you, but first - HartVariations jewelry cannot get wet and that includes rings! Please remove them when washing your hands, bathing, swimming, etc. And it's not a great idea to wear any kind of jewelry while performing rigorous activity either. Just a little PSA. :)

It's also important to note that HartVariations rings cannot be resized due to the delicate nature of what is imbedded within: butterfly wing, feather, etc. You can learn more about the process and why it affects rings (or vice versa...) in the video below. Also, you can see a sneak peek of what rings will be available soon.
So, how do you know if you have the correct ring size? Well, there are several different ways. You can go to a jeweler and ask to use their tools. But these days, we are trying to stay home more, so that's not the best idea. Not to worry, there are also DIY ways to figure out ring size. I share this link in all ring listings for a handy, at-home guide to figuring out your ring size.
I also just started offering your very own ring sizer sent to your door! I'm happy to send one your way for free, just send me an email or message through the website and I'll get one in the post for you. Who doesn't love snail mail? :)

The rings in these photos are just some of what will be available in November. There will be some available on 11/8/2020 and more available on 11/22. Plenty of gemstone rings with precious elements from nature encased below: rutilated quartz with Monarch and Rainbow Sunset Moth wings, Amethyst with Pheasant feather, snakeskin and glass, a beetle shadowbox ring, and more! Oh, also little metal stacker rings that are super fun and range in price from $26 - $36. Great for gifting - if you know their ring size. ;)

I also shared a theory in the video above as to why I believe rings are so popular. It's the one piece of jewelry we actually get to see on our own body. Earrings are mostly seen by others, as are necklaces. But rings - they grace our fingers and and are a constant visual reminder of the meaning behind the talismans we choose to wear. I don't know about you - I sometimes wear a piece of jewelry just because I like it, but there is often a deeper meaning behind why I chose a piece - or it chose me. And that's why jewelry is so great! There are lifetimes, and love, and hard work, and care, and stories behind every piece of handmade jewelry.
I hope you find the perfect, handmade gift for your loved one this season, and always. Thank you for your support, and thank you for being here.